Expanding Access: Integrating Telebehavioral Health and Telehealth Solutions for Communities Served by Health Centers: Part One

Oct 11, 2024  07:20 PM  EST | Past Webinars |

The National Nurse-Led Care Consortium hosted a three-part webinar series focused on the growing role of telehealth in expanding access to behavioral health (BH) and substance use disorder (SUD) services at health centers serving residents of public housing and other underserved populations. This series was designed for health center staff and others interested in learning key aspects of telebehavioral health and SUD care.

Part 1 focused on implementing telebehavioral health in primary care, with insights into coding, return on investment, and evaluating program effectiveness.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Understand telehealth’s role in behavioral health at health centers
  • Explore how telehealth enhances BH and SUD diagnosis and treatment.
  • Identify challenges and solutions for implementing telebehavioral health services for health center populations.

#NursesMakeChangeHappen Vaccine Toolkit

This toolkit was created to give nurses the tools to do their part in the national vaccine effort. It is designed to help you decrease vaccine hesitancy and increate vaccination rates in your community. 



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