Keys to Quality Health Center Controlled Network

The Keys to Quality Health Center Controlled Network (K2Q HCCN) supports participating health centers as they adopt and optimize health IT products, enhance comprehensive, integrated data collection and analysis, meet the requirements of the Meaningful Use Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive program, and improve clinical care and reduce costs through the use of health IT.

The program builds the capacity of participating health centers through individualized and peer technical assistance. K2Q HCCN has 12 member health centers, located in 7 different states, operating 8 different EHR products. There is no charge to participate in the K2Q HCCN. The National Nurse-Led Care Consortium executes all grant management and technical assistance activities for the K2Q HCCN program. This includes holding regular check-in meetings with members individually and as a network, assessing current member competencies and areas of need, providing direct technical assistance, and linking members to external experts and consultants when necessary.

Focus areas of K2Q HCCN technical assistance and training include:

  • Ensuring health IT implementation and meaningful use of EHR products (EHR transition support, Meaningful Use training, privacy and security assessments).
  • Supporting data validation and reporting capabilities (data analytics trainings, integration of non-clinical data, dashboarding services).
  • Facilitating health information exchange and population health management (connecting members to health information exchange, population health management training).
  • Improving quality and value through the use of health IT (quality improvement coaching, value-based contracting support, PCMH application support).

Only 330-funded health centers and look-alike health centers are eligible to join the K2Q HCCN. Applications are considered on a case-by-case basis. The National Nurse-Led Care Consortium is the administering body of the Keys to Quality Health Center Controlled Network. Contact Casey Alrich for more information. 

Keys to Quality Health Center Controlled Network Resources

Slide deck providing background information on the Keys to Quality HCCN. Including - program mission and overview, current membership, current objectives and activities, and staffing support structure.

Access NNCC's complete Resource Library 

This K2Q HCCN project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number H2QCS30283 of the Health Center Controlled Networks program for $500,000. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.

For More Information 

Headshot of Casey Alrich

Casey Alrich, MPH, CPHIMS
Senior Director, Training and Operations