Lessons in Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorder Integration

Dec 12, 2018  01:30 PM  EST | Past Webinars |


The opioid epidemic is front and center in our communities, and in the national conversation as health centers are the first line of preparedness, response and recovery in the opioid epidemic. Recent federal awards to integrate behavioral health and substance use disorder programming into health centers firmly secures this position. Building the Plane While You're Flying It: Lessons in Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorder Integration, will showcase real time program implementation through the eyes of our health center partners and stakeholders. This webinar will explore ongoing challenges in recruiting the right workforce into an integrated care model, highlight opportunities for expanded prescription authority for PAs and NPs, and describe best practices for management of program implementation. Time will be provided at the end of the webinar to discuss concrete steps to realize full integration of behavioral health and substance use disorder into your health center. 

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