The National Nurse-Led Care Consortium (NNCC) is excited to announce a partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to promote confidence in COVID-19 vaccines.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses have played a critical role as frontline caregivers, leaders, and educators. As COVID-19 vaccines are developed, produced, distributed and communities vaccinated, vaccine confidence is critical. NNCC will empower nurses, their health care teams and the communities they serve to participate in important and challenging conversations to promote vaccine confidence and support public health. Through this effort, NNCC strives to:
As part of this work, NNCC launched the Nurse-Led Forum for Vaccine Confidence in February 2021. This forum is a space for open, honest discussion, to explore questions around vaccine hesitancy and share strategies for building confidence in COVID-19 vaccines among the nursing community. Each session will feature a panel with nursing experts representing diverse sectors—community health, academia, research, and more. Join us to hear perspectives from the field and learn promising practices for vaccine communications, partnerships, and decision-making. The forum will convene every other week through September 30, 2021. Additionally, the grant will support a national multi-media campaign aimed at raising confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine and increasing COVID-19 vaccine acceptance.
This project was funded in part by a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (grant number NU50CK000580). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this resource center do not necessarily represent the policy of CDC or HHS, and should not be considered an endorsement by the Federal Government.
This project was funded in part by a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (grant number NU50CK000580). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this resource center do not necessarily represent the policy of CDC or HHS and should not be considered an endorsement by the Federal Government.
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