Children's Vaccine Education Project: Recruiting Nurses Nationwide

Dec 05, 2022 | COVID News |

COVID-19 Update from the Nurse-Led COVID Vaccine Confidence Project

The Franklin Institute is partnering with the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium (NNCC) to develop toolkits for supporting nurses in leading COVID-19 vaccine education in schools and community health settings. The project seeks to engage a national cohort of up to 30 nurses who work with early childhood and elementary age children. Nurses will participate in virtual training, implement toolkit programming, and provide feedback for future activities. We encourage you to browse the project website to learn about project partners, resources developed, and impact to date. 

A stipend will be offered to cohort members in recognition of a time commitment not to exceed a total of 30 hours.

We encourage applications from nurses supporting undervaccinated communities and underserved populations with diverse needs and abilities. This project aims to engage nurses from all backgrounds and experience interested in strengthening vaccine confidence in the communities they serve.

Applications Due Friday, December 16, 2022 by 5pm ET

We are no longer accepting applications for this committee. Please check our website for other opportunities.



  • Develop engaging resources for children 2-11 years through STEM education about COVID-19 and vaccines led by school-based nurses and nurses working in community spaces (including both traditional and nontraditional health education settings).
  • Strengthen nurses’ expertise in STEM learning experiences and vaccine communication, with a long-term aim of building vaccine confidence among children and their families.


  • Three 1-hour virtual advisory meetings. Our first hour-long meeting will take place on January 19th (4:30pm ET and 6:30pm ET). Please ensure you are available to attend one of these meeting times if selected. Our second meeting will take place in March, and a final advisory meeting in May.
  • One two-part virtual workshop training in February (2.5 hours total) to share toolkit resources, strategies and insights for using hands-on activities.
  • Implementation of hands-on activities and other toolkit materials from March to May.
  • Toolkits are expected to be used at least four times to reach at least 80 individuals through programming format(s) of nurses’ choice.
  • Contribute to evaluation efforts by sharing feedback, including documenting experiences with resources shared, as requested throughout the course of the project. Cohort members will be expected to complete: 
  • Workshop training evaluation following the two-part virtual workshop.
  • Brief post-activity survey after each time the toolkit and hands-on activities are implemented with children 2-11 yrs (minimum of 4 activities).
  • End of project feedback survey.
  • Total commitment not to exceed 30 hrs between January 19, 2023 and June 30, 2023.


NNCC will offer a stipend of $2,500 per cohort member in recognition of the time and resources needed to actively participate in the project.

Additional Information:

Project Background and Commitment Letter for Administrator

Please reach out to Avione Williams, Public Health Project Coordinator, at with any questions.


COVID-19 Vaccine Resources

Learn more about last year's COVID-19 pilot project with The Franklin Institute. 


This project was funded in part by a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (grant number NU50CK000580). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this resource center do not necessarily represent the policy of CDC or HHS and should not be considered an endorsement by the Federal Government.



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About The Author

Sierra Little is the Communications Coordinator at the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium.

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