NNCC Nurse Translates Nursing Into Advocacy

Oct 08, 2020 | Nurse-Led Care News |

Empowering Nurses to Change Public Policy

At the Core of Care

Erin Blair, a home visiting nurse with the Philadelphia Nurse-Family Partnership, joined the At the Core of Care podcast to speak about her experience translating nursing into advocacy. Last year, Erin joined the Lead Free Philly campaign to testify to Philadelphia City Hall about how the city's outdated lead law was impacting the families she serves. Thanks to activists like Erin, Council then voted to strengthen the city's lead laws to protect children from lead poisoning. You can hear Erin speak about her work in this episode.

Public Citizens for Children & Youth (PCCY) and the Alliance for Nurses for Healthy Environments are also featured in this episode.


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About The Author

Justin Gero, MS was the Senior Manager of Public Affairs at the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium. He  was with the organization from 2016-2021.

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