National Nursing Week 2024

May 06, 2024 | Nurse-Led Care News |

May 6-12, 2024 is Nurses Week! This week, we are taking time to thank all our nurses at NNCC for their work and dedication to our teams, communities, and client families. We asked them some questions related to nursing, their families, and self-care to share with you as we celebrate this week. Please read some of the answers below:


What advice do you have for a new parent?

Your baby is new at this too! You are learning about each other and that takes time. Kisses, snuggles and deep breaths. Connect with other parents and go out for a walk, it helps everyone!
Colleen Elwood

“Sometimes babies cry, even when all their needs have been met. This is not an indicator that you are a bad parent or that your baby does not love you.” - Olivia Nowinski, Nurse-Family Partnership Supervisor


What does nursing mean to you?

Nursing means… being present, listening, educating, serving, lifting up.
Joy Ahn

“To steal from PAT's language, I feel that we can be concrete support in times of need for our families, be their calm ” - Lucy Walker, Mabel Morris Nurse


What is the best thing to do for your newborn?

Give them love and attention. Newborns have a language of their own. Learn what they are communicating by paying patient attention to their cues.
Annie Re

“Sleep when you can! Don’t expect to have a perfectly clean house. Follow the baby's cues, and ASK FOR HELP! ” - Sherry Wilson-Bey, Nurse-Family Partnership Nurse


Best tips for potty training!

Be consistent. Set timers to remind you and your child to go potty. And make it fun! As with any type of learning, kids are more likely to remember and look forward to something when it is fun, so don’t forget to sing songs, have rewards, and celebrate the small wins.
Flannery Bohne

“I recommend you start small - one time of the day, maybe first thing in the morning, sit them on the potty. Stay with them, enjoy it, they go or they don’t go it doesn’t matter. At least you’re starting to weave it into your routine.” - Katy Baker-Cohen, Nurse-Family Partnership Nurse


What is your favorite thing to do to relax after a long day?

Get outside and get in touch with nature—​sometimes through a grounding exercise for each of my senses, sometimes through movement.
Olivia Nowinski

“Anything related to physical activity, like walking, hiking, dancing, or running. Anything that helps me release that tension that I accumulated throughout the day, and if I can do that with family or friends, it’s even better.” - Maria Mazzocchi, Senior Director of NFP Implementation and Quality


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About The Author

Katie Pratt is the Communications Manager for the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium. 

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