Health Center Stories: Handling Disease Outbreaks

Aug 14, 2018 | Nurse-Led Care News

In recognition of National Health Center Week, we are sharing stories from five health centers across the U.S. and their advice for emergency preparedness. These health centers learned from responding

Funding opportunity information session: Federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) are invited to participate in a research study evaluating the efficacy of treatments for persistent pain. Participa

Pennsylvania's Healthcare Mosaic was held on June 26, 2018 - hosted by the Pennsylvania Action Coalition at Drexel University. This is a video of the keynote speaker: Deputy Surgeon General, Rear Adm

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  The National Nurse-Led Care Consortium is a member of the Nursing Community Coalition. June 19, 2018 The Honorable Kirstjen M. Nielsen U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20528 Dea

Call for Abstracts: Nurse-Led Care Conference 2018

Jun 04, 2018 | Nurse-Led Care News

  You have great ideas. You do great work. Share it with your colleagues! Submit an abstract now for the Nurse-Led Care Conference 2018: Transforming Practice, Defining Value (October 16-18 in Phi

Now Accepting Applications: Lead Hazard Control Program

Apr 16, 2018 | Nurse-Led Care News

The National Nurse-Led Care Consortium’s (NNCC) Lead Hazard Control Program (LHCP) is a low-cost initiative available to property owners and qualifying families in the City of Chester in Delaware Co

Letter to PA House Speaker Turzai on HB 100

Mar 08, 2018 | Nurse-Led Care News

Hon. Mike Turzai125 Hillvue Lane, 1st FloorMcCandless, PA 15237 March 8, 2018 Dear Speaker Turzai, As the Chief Nurse Practitioner Officer at the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium I speak for many of

Yesterday, the President released his Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Budget Proposal outlining deep cuts to the Nursing Workforce Development Programs (Title VIII of the Public Health Service Act). The Nursin

Federal Funding for Health Centers, MIECHV, and CHIP

Feb 09, 2018 | Nurse-Led Care News

Following months of uncertainty and funding cliffs, Congress fully-funded several vital healthcare programs, including: $7.8 billion over two years in federal funding for the Community Health Cent